
Maddie is in this video...
This is Maddie. She is a public speaker. She has spoken in front of her school, in front of our local high school, she even made a video for YouTube. She has been asked and accepted the job of a youth ambassador for our local ASK recourse center - where she will go into grade schools and talk about acceptance for those children that are different from others and can not speak for themselves.
Maddie gets up and speaks to all these people even though the whole time she is speaking you can tell she herself is different. Maddie is 10 years old and has Tourette’s syndrome.
Only 1 in 2000 children has Tourette's syndrome and only 1 out of 4 of those are girls. Needless to say Maddie has very little contact with children like herself. This year Maddie would like to attend the national TS camp, cost of this camp is $495 - out of our price range with all the medical bills I had with the Crohn's, the fact that I hardly worked this last year doesn't help either. So Maddie has decided to send herself to camp this year and she hopes to raise enough money to send at least on more child to camp besides herself, so her goal is to raise $1000. She is going to local businesses asking for donations to be made in her name to the Tourette's Syndrome Camp Organization.
If you would like to help Maddie reach her goal of $1000 you can donate straight to the organization here: Donations after you send your donation please email me a copy of your donation receipt at deanna@dcartphoto.com I will forward all receipts on to Scott so we can keep track of how much Maddie is bringing in. If you don’t let us know that you sent a donation in Maddie’s name then she will not get credit for the funds.
TS camp is so great for these kids. Most of them have no other chance to meet kids like themselves. Here is a link to a great video shot by the Chicago Tribune where TS kids tell talk about going to TS camp and what it has done for them: Video
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