Can you believe it? Michael will be 1yo in a little over a week. June 5th is Michael's 1st birthday and it just doesn't seem like it should be here yet. He's crawling all over the house and starting to stand and cruise. He'll be walking before you know it and we'll be in all sorts of trouble then...LOL He is an incredible mimic and will repeat back just about any sound you give him. I'm sure he'll be quite a talker. He's a happy boy and has the most infectious laugh. He looks at you with those big brown eyes and you can't help but fall in love with him all over again. The 1st year of his life has gone by so fast and I feel like I've missed so much of it.
Nathan will be 6mo on Monday June 1st. He's SO BIG and just such a happy baby. He rarely cries and just has the most pleasant personality. We've been blessed to have 3 very happy boys, but Nathan is just beyond happy. He wakes up happy, he goes to bed happy, he's happy when he's hungry, sleepy, has a dirty diaper... In fact really the only time he cries is when he has a gas bubble. Of course, I'd cry then too. He's a very social bug and loves to be talked too and talk back to you. He loves other babies and will smile & laugh if he sees them on the TV or in person. He's very active and thinks his bouncer is the best thing every. He's starting to try to sit up, but he gets so excited and starts kicking and falls backwards...LOL
Jack is such a big boy. Since starting pre-school back in February he has really matured. His can still be a bit shy around strangers, but it doesn't last long. His talking has improved and you can understand him much better now. He's getting more indepenent and will tell you what's what, even when you don't want him to do it. He's still a lover boy and wants to cuddle with his momma and often asks to be held like a baby. I try to get the little ones down so we have some quiet time together before bed. Right now he is spending the week at Grandma's and we miss him terribly. He'll be home on Friday though. :)
I know I've not been great about keeping up the blog. I'll try to be more deligent in the future.
Brownie Baked Oatmeal
10 hours ago
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