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Thursday, September 17, 2009

What a Difference a Year Makes

A year ago today, I was laying in a bed at Ocean Springs hospital waiting on an ambulance to take me to USA Children's and Women's Hospital in Mobile. I was 26w3d pregnant with my son and in pre-term labor. I so clearly remember the look on my OB's face when he told me he was sending me to the hospital and ordering an ambulance to take me to Mobile. He was trying hard to keep me calm and I managed to keep from falling apart. Jeff was home with Jack and Michael. Luckily, I have good friends that changed their lives around for us that day. Melody left work and came to the house to stay with the boys until someone could come get them. When her husband got home from work to stay with her son, Karen went to the hospital to pick up my van and then went to my house to get the boys and take them home with her. My sister immediately book a flight out the next day and my mom packed up what she could of her life and drove down the next morning. No one knew for sure how long I'd be in there or if I'd be able to hold on to our son. The next 8 weeks moved at a snails pace, but God smiled upon us and there were no changes and labor did not progress.

Nathaniel Blake Lucas was born by c-section December 1, 2008 at 37w1d. He was 6lbs 9oz and beautiful! He had an issue with fluid on his lungs, so he spent 9 days in the NICU in Gulfport. But once he came home, he never looked back.

Today he is 9 1/2 mo, 23lbs 13oz, 30 3/4in tall, and in the 95th percentile for growth. He is happy, healthy, content and our precious gift.

Thank you to all my friends and family who did their best to make those 8 weeks as easy on Jeff and I as it could be.