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Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Yes, I'm bad, I know it...

I've been very very bad about keeping up with this blog. I'm horrible I know...

Things are busy busy around our house. Michael is walking and Nathan is trying to walk. Both are starting to get their molars. Michael has two on the bottom and 1 just starting to poke through the top. Nathan has two on the top. Jack is 4 1/2 going on 14. He's smart as a whip and has an attitude to match. Where did my sweet little boy go? Most of the time he loves school, but there are times when it's a trial to get him to go. Now that they are learning to write and have a more structured school day, he has decided that school is not fun anymore. All I can say is... Welcome to the next 13+ years of your life buddy...LOL

Here are some recent pictures... I haven't pulled the ones off the camera from Christmas yet. I'll put those in my next post.

These are from the Gautier Christmas Parade.

Jack in his Cool Shades!

All three boys!

Michael... always smiling!

Nathan, our happy blue eyed boy!

Gangsta Jack!

Jack and some of the silly stuff they throw at the parades around here...LOL
A turtle hat and a giant tooth brush... really?