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Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Today is planting day! I just got through planting my Straw Bale garden.
We have...

2- Parks Whopper Tomato Plants
2- Roma Tomato Plants
2- Zucchini
2- Yellow Squash
2- Burpless Cucumbers
2- Pablano Plants
1- Jalapeno Plant
2- Cilantro
2- Basil
1- German Thyme
1- Oregano

I'm still looking to plant at least 2 Tomatillo Plants. They had them at Lowe's last week and now they are gone. They even restocked their plant yesterday afternoon and there aren't any Tomatillos. :(

I also have room for 1 more thing. I'm thinking about doing the small watermelons or maybe some canteloupes. I'll post some pictures as soon as they get through getting a good soaking.